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Author Topic: midori  (Read 16693 times)

Offline kalu

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Re: midori
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2014, 12:38:41 PM »
Thanks for your assistence Juanito. I tried several of the earlier webkit releases just as you said Juanito, but they (the four releases that I tried) all had (varying) errors which I can't solve myself, but at the same time I'm too embarassed to post anymore errors here :P :-[. OTOH, Curaga's suggestion to build an app for web kiosk is starting to make a lot of sense and probably a lot more fun than compiling and looking for dependencies ;D

Offline nitram

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Re: midori
« Reply #31 on: October 10, 2016, 09:14:34 PM »
Reviving old thread, still on topic, almost 3000 reads, would appear Midori is a topic of interest, nice browser.

Making an attempt at Midori in TC7x, due to some older libraries trying midori_0.5.10_all_.tar.bz2, still a relatively recent release. All dependency libraries met thus far via Apps with exception of  --   package 'javascriptcoregtk-1.0' not found  as described by kalu ~2 years ago. Based on Juanito's suggestion, attempting to build the webkitgtk version linked above. It configures successfully:
Code: [Select]
CC="gcc -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe" CXX="g++ -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" ./configure --disable-geolocation --disable-webkit2 --with-gtk=2.0 --prefix=/usr/local --disable-static --localstatedir=/var

Configure outcome:
Code: [Select]
WebKit was configured with the following options:

Build configuration:
 Enable debugging (slow)                                  : no
 Compile with debug symbols (slow)                        : no
 Enable debug features (slow)                             : no
 Enable GCC build optimization                            : yes
 Code coverage support                                    : no
 Unicode backend                                          : icu
 Font backend                                             : freetype
 Optimized memory allocator                               : yes
 Accelerated rendering backend                            : opengl

 WebGL                                                    : yes
 Accelerated Compositing                                  : yes
 Animation API                                            : no
 Blob support                                             : yes
 Color input support                                      : no
 CSS3 Flexbox support                                     : no
 CSS box-decoration-break support                         : yes
 CSS Exclusions support                                   : yes
 CSS Regions support                                      : yes
 CSS Filters support                                      : no
 CSS Compositing support                                  : no
 DeviceOrientation support                                : no
 Directory upload                                         : no
 DOM mutation observer support                            : no
 Fast Mobile Scrolling                                    : no
 Filters support                                          : yes
 Fullscreen API support                                   : yes
 Gamepad support                                          : no
 Geolocation support                                      : no
 HTML5 channel messaging support                          : yes
 HTML5 data transfer items support                        : no
 HTML5 FileSystem API support                             : no
 HTML5 iframe seamless attribute support                  : yes
 HTML5 meter element support                              : yes
 HTML5 microdata support                                  : no
 HTML5 progress element support                           : yes
 HTML5 track element support                              : no
 HTML5 video element support                              : yes
 Icon database support                                    : yes
 JavaScript debugger/profiler support                     : yes
 JIT compilation                                          : autodetect
 Legacy WebKitBlobBuilder support                         : yes
 Link prefetch support                                    : no
 MathML support                                           : yes
 Media source                                             : no
 Media statistics                                         : no
 Media stream support                                     : no
 MHTML support                                            : yes
 Opcode stats                                             : no
 Page Visibility API support                              : no
 Quota API support                                        : no
 Register Protocol Handler support                        : no
 RequestAnimationFrame support                            : yes
 Scripted speech support                                  : no
 Shadow DOM support                                       : yes
 SharedWorkers support                                    : yes
 Speech input support                                     : no
 Spellcheck support                                       : no
 SQL client-side database storage support                 : yes
 SVG fonts support                                        : yes
 SVG support                                              : yes
 Text Autosizing support                                  : no
 Touch Icon Loading support                               : no
 Web Audio support                                        : no
 WebGL                                                    : yes
 Web Sockets support                                      : yes
 Web Timing support                                       : no
 Web Workers support                                      : yes
 Widget region support                                    :
 XSLT support                                             : yes

WebKit2 support:
 WebKit2 support                                          : no
 WebKit2 plugin process                                   : no

GTK+ configuration:
 GTK+ version                                             : 2.0
 GDK target                                               : x11
 GStreamer version                                        : 0.10
 Introspection support                                    : no
 Generate documentation                                   : no

...but make fails quickly:
Code: [Select]
tc@box:/tmp/webkit-1.9.6$ make
  GEN    DerivedSources/WebCore/idl_supplemental_dependencies
Can't exec "/usr/bin/gcc": No such file or directory at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.22.0/IPC/Open3.pm line 281.
GNUmakefile:79887: recipe for target 'DerivedSources/WebCore/idl_supplemental_dependencies' failed
make: *** [DerivedSources/WebCore/idl_supplemental_dependencies] Error 2

Already tried a fresh source extract and terminal. Noteworthy, GCC is /usr/local/bin not /usr/bin, should this be specified although gcc was successfully found during ./configure? Also /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.22.0/IPC/Open3.pm file is present and gamepad is disabled by default ./configure. Thanks for any suggestions.

Online Rich

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Re: midori
« Reply #32 on: October 10, 2016, 09:51:43 PM »
Hi nitram
You could try getting past the error by creating a link at  /usr/bin/gcc  to  /usrlocal/bin/gcc.

Offline nitram

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Re: midori
« Reply #33 on: October 10, 2016, 10:01:46 PM »
Attempted to simplify the build by disabling most every available option:
Code: [Select]
CC="gcc -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe" CXX="g++ -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" ./configure --disable-geolocation --disable-webkit2 --with-gtk=2.0 --prefix=/usr/local --disable-static --localstatedir=/var  --disable-schemas-compile --disable-webgl --disable-accelerated-compositing --disable-channel-messaging --disable-meter-tag --disable-progress-tag --disable-javascript-debugger --disable-gamepad --disable-sql-database --disable-icon-database --disable-datalist --disable-iframe-seamless --disable-video --disable-fullscreen-api --disable-xslt  --disable-mathml --disable-svg --disable-shadow-dom --disable-shared-workers --disable-workers --disable-css-box-decoration-break --disable-filters --disable-svg-fonts --disable-web-sockets --disable-blob --disable-legacy-webki
t-blob-builder --disable-fast-malloc --disable-jit --disable-request-animation-frame --disable-css-exclusions --disable-css-regions --disable-webkit2 --disable-plugin-process --disable-gtk-doc-html

Unfortunately make still fails:
Code: [Select]
tc@box:/tmp/webkit-1.9.6$ make
  GEN    DerivedSources/WebCore/idl_supplemental_dependencies
Can't exec "/usr/bin/gcc": No such file or directory at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.22.0/IPC/Open3.pm line 281.
open2: exec of /usr/bin/gcc -E -P -x c++ -DLANGUAGE_JAVASCRIPT=1 -DENABLE_SMOOTH_SCROLLING=1 -DENABLE_MHTML=1 ./Source/WebCore/Modules/gamepad/Gamepad.idl failed at Source/WebCore/bindings/scripts/preprocessor.pm line 80.
GNUmakefile:79887: recipe for target 'DerivedSources/WebCore/idl_supplemental_dependencies' failed
make: *** [DerivedSources/WebCore/idl_supplemental_dependencies] Error 2

Edit: Hi Rich. Thanks for advice. Already drafted above so posting anyway, obviously a problem here. Will link gcc and try again later, not sure i will be able to get back to this again today. Sometimes get frustrated, drop it for a few hours, try again.

Offline nitram

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Re: midori
« Reply #34 on: October 10, 2016, 10:19:28 PM »
Thanks Rich! Make is now happily chugging, webkit bit of a beast. These gotchas drive me CRAZY. IMHO if ./configure is successful make should work every time. Embarrassed to say i'm still a newbie. Compiling 101, fix the most obvious first error spotted, retest before proceeding. Thanks again.

Online Rich

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Re: midori
« Reply #35 on: October 11, 2016, 12:30:08 AM »
Hi nitram
It kinda looks like configure figured out where gcc was located but some perl modules have a hard coded path to where
they feel gcc should be placed.