I am sorry for this post appearing a little negative but I need your help.
Firstly my target hardware is a dell laptop that I already know has a faulty
electrical system. Dell no longer has a working internal optical drive, it died about 3 years ago.
Either the 3 year old battery is is cactus because on different distro
the app called upower shows at 100% charge with ac plug pulled I have 3 hours use
but at 99% it drops to 2 hours 34 minutes
In real terms it lasts about one hour with me playing media stuff etc. I am not going to spend any money taking it to someone who can test the hardware as I now own Android smart phone. I bought it because someone told me it would make me smarter

So I thought I would test out the 32 bit and 64 bit distros.
The 64 bit boots so the error appears to be either
my burn of the 32 bit,
the exernal usb dvd drive can't handle a non-UEFI cd
me (yes I have a sense of humour, the blonde in the mirror says I am very good looking

or there might be something wrong with the build of the 32 iso
First I check my downloads
$ md5sum TinyCore*
2298e7b6d1055921aa80983fb31bb933 TinyCore-7.2.iso
6b1e0a60f8334623c0fac930a82a4772 TinyCorePure64-7.2.iso
They are good
Second for each disc inserted attempt to match them to their respective iso files
Pathways are my non-LHS pathways and should not affect the test
$ cmp /dev/cdrom /p4/g/1isos/TinyCorePure64-7.2.iso
cmp: EOF on /p4/g/1isos/TinyCorePure64-7.2.iso
# eject and insert next disc
$ cmp /dev/cdrom /p4/g/1isosTinyCore-7.2.iso
cmp: EOF on /p4/g/1isos/TinyCore-7.2.iso
conclusion based on internet post
http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/39467/how-to-verify-a-cd-against-an-iso-imagemy burns are the same as the isos.....
so allegedly there is something funny about the 686 iso.
What do you guys think?
error at boot fail for 32 disc is mainly
usr/bin/mcookie line 1 ELF not found
for those interested I have made a movie which plays in vlc size of download 14 megs in webm format
originally it was avi but size was 32 megs and my internet download speed is about 400 kilos per second
so upload speed is a shocker.
The movies is not designed to be professional quality. It is just to prove that I am booting the cd and not some altered usb setup.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/slup3zvwpqlwlrg/dell2.webm?dl=0also a screenshot from the dell....actually the same boot up error appears on my tower too

Naturally I prolly wrong as my umm skills are not great
any thoughts or clues would be appreciated.
I have not asked why the 686 is not a UEFI disc.