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Author Topic: Terminal server booting iso file  (Read 7814 times)

Offline aug

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Terminal server booting iso file
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:43:17 AM »

i have the terminal server up and running on tc 7.0
PXE clients find it and tried to load the os - but nothing. Got a tftp timeout...
What i want is to have iso files (tc with rdesktop) on that machine distributed and booted on the pxe machines.
The iso file works perfect now but i want to avoid creating 30+ usb-sticks each time i change something....

Offline gerald_clark

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Re: Terminal server booting iso file
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2016, 01:56:29 PM »
Just boot the kernel and core.gz.  See http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:netbooting

Offline aug

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Re: Terminal server booting iso file
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2016, 02:22:29 PM »
Just boot the kernel and core.gz.  See http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:netbooting

I know that site...but can't get it to work. The wired network is 192.168.1.x (external dhcp from 101 to 199). The pxe-pc boots and shows the ip from the tc terminal server, but then tftp gets several timeouts. I think the boot files on the tc host are not in the right folder or a config file needs to be edited before.
What is the first and last ip address to be shared??? The boot files are on sda1 folder tce/boot and i have entered in the terminal server dialog as position /dev/sda1 Is this right? The site omits the point with the boot files.

Offline zatman

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Re: Terminal server booting iso file
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2016, 08:40:41 PM »
I might have had the same problem, when first setting up PXE netbooting.  Will have to check another computer, to see if that was the same issue, but will need a few days to check on this.  In the meantime here is part of my setup, which will be referred too, in the attached files, which should help with your folder question.

Refer to the picture (TFTP-server-command-and-or-process), which lists my TFTP server command (which shows in top - as the process), and shows my root folder for the TFTP server, near red arrow...


In the terminal-server-config picture, look at the red arrow (near # 1), which specifies the boot folder...


So when the PXE client is sent the boot file, the full path comes together (based on terminal server setup and TFTP setup), which is...


As for your 2nd question, about IPs to be shared, maybe start small with 1 or 2 IPs, and when it starts working, then later add more.  As you can see from my terminal server config, it only has 1 IP listed, but I also have static IPs listed (not showing in picture), which do not count in the max_leases.

Offline aug

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Re: Terminal server booting iso file
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2016, 02:34:22 PM »
I might have had the same problem, when first setting up PXE netbooting.  Will have to check another computer, to see if that was the same issue, but will need a few days to check on this.  In the meantime here is part of my setup, which will be referred too, in the attached files, which should help with your folder question.

Refer to the picture (TFTP-server-command-and-or-process), which lists my TFTP server command (which shows in top - as the process), and shows my root folder for the TFTP server, near red arrow...


In the terminal-server-config picture, look at the red arrow (near # 1), which specifies the boot folder...


So when the PXE client is sent the boot file, the full path comes together (based on terminal server setup and TFTP setup), which is...


As for your 2nd question, about IPs to be shared, maybe start small with 1 or 2 IPs, and when it starts working, then later add more.  As you can see from my terminal server config, it only has 1 IP listed, but I also have static IPs listed (not showing in picture), which do not count in the max_leases.

I still did not really understand it ........
Are the 1-2 ip's from the same network as the dhcp range???
So if the dhcp range is can i use and (ip's are free)
ipxe.0 is this a iso file or some special file format????

Offline zatman

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Re: Terminal server booting iso file
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2016, 04:58:02 PM »
You will have to provide more info, to what you did not understand - because its not helpful or productive to say "you do not understand"  >:(.  90% of my prior reply was addressing your TFTP folder set-up question, and 10% on the DHCP. 

So you did not understand the folder information provided on TFTP?  If not please explain.

As for the DHCP set-up info provided prior, that is my network IP addressing, and was not intended for you to use.

So if the dhcp range is can i use and (ip's are free)

No, that would not work.  If your scope is set how you say, it would only hand out IPs starting 101 thru 199.  Not .51 or .52

You would need to change your DHCP config range to match the free IPs (.51 and .52), and make sure you also change your max_leases 2 - otherwise it will have an error.  Like I said prior, start small, and when its working, then expand.


interface eth0

max_leases 2

After saving your congfig, and if your terminal server is running, kill it, and start it again.  Then power up 1 client computer, and see if it gets ""

When my box gets an ip - here is a log of it.

Code: [Select]
tc@BOX-165:~$ sudo udhcpd -f /netboot/udhcpd.conf
udhcpd (v1.22.1) started
udhcpd: can't open '/var/lib/misc/udhcpd.leases': No such file or directory
Sending OFFER of
Sending ACK to

As for the .0 file - its a PXE bootstrap file (nbp network bootstrap program).   You will need something like this, before you can load the ISO or as gerald_clark suggested - load "kernel and core.gz", which is what I normally use.

If you need the .0 bootstrap file - check out "syslinux.org".  Or search for IPXE - but that might be too advance for you to use initially, but it might still help to review it.  I know IPXE can be set-up to load ISO.


Offline patrikg

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« Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 03:38:31 AM by patrikg »