Hi kevinfish.
Run sce-import --help and consider using the sce-import -d and sce-import -l options, they can make your extensions considerably more efficient. Many advanced users prefer the -l (list option), personally i prefer the -d (dependency) option.
Also look at sce.purge , can read an example here and see how it can reduce boot time:
http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,19543.msg120876.html#msg120876. Being overly aggressive can break extensions, this technique requires experimentation. I still use the example in the link, works well.
On an old system these techniques result in measured boot time improvement. The Advanced dCore Extension Strategies wiki section will eventually be updated with more information:
http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:extensionsIn my experience both the size of the SCE and the number of repeated SCE libraries make a difference. When loading an SCE, for example, running an md5sum check on a larger extension takes longer. Likewise having to check the same libraries repeatedly for linking slows things down.
Edit: Jason posted first, this has some bonus information so posting anyway.