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--- Quote from: akram on June 07, 2016, 12:32:38 AM ---Hi Béla,

I have managed to boot, is there any way to get to GUI? I tried to download TC but server does not respond, getting an error.

I have pi3 model B, does any other version of picore with GUI support this model?

Kind regards

--- End quote ---


piCore-7 supports pi3.

In piCore-8 you can try packages from 7.x most likely they work.

Hi Béla,

I've installed squeezelite using my tutorial, and I got it working now. I only had to change the Alsa installation, as mentioned above.
However, I did get these error messages whil installing bash:

tc@box:~$ tce-load -wi bash.tcz
bash.tcz.dep OK
Downloading: bash.tcz
Connecting to repo.tinycorelinux.net (
bash.tcz             100% |*******************************************************************************************|   412k  0:00:00 ETA
bash.tcz: OK
cp: can't stat '/usr/local/share/bash/.bashrc': No such file or directory
cp: can't stat '/usr/local/share/bash/.bashrc': No such file or directory
cp: can't stat '/usr/local/share/bash/bashrc': No such file or directory
cp: can't stat '/usr/local/share/bash/.bashrc': No such file or directory
chown: /home/tc/.bashrc: No such file or directory

But bash seems to work fine, my squeezelite (bash sing) script works without problems.


Thanks will check


--- Quote from: Gerrelt on June 06, 2016, 04:14:51 PM ---So I ended up with this command, which seems to work pretty good:

--- Code: ---for i in $(seq 1 15); do alsactl restore && break || sleep 0.1; done
--- End code ---

It tries to execute the command for 15 times, and sleeps 0.1 second in between tries.
Normally it succeeds after 2 or 3 tries.

--- End quote ---

I've tested a different Pi with a different USB soundcard. This soundcard took longer to become available, so I had to chang the 15 to 30, like this:

--- Code: ---for i in $(seq 1 30); do alsactl restore && break || sleep 0.1; done
--- End code ---

This means it tries for a maximum of 3 seconds before giving up. This soundcard took araound 20 tries, so 2 seconds.

Still no support for the 64 bit version? I get no video out with this os on the 3b. Can I help anyhow to make the 64 bit available too ? I really want it on my pi!


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