Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases


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OK, I've been messing about with it now, and I made some progress.

Instead of installing "alsa-config.tcz", I've installed "alsa-utils.tcz".
Now I can use the "sudo alsactl store" command, but it throws this error:

tc@box:~$ sudo alsactl store
alsactl: save_state:1626: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing: No such file or directory

After checking this, it appears the Alsa directory is not present at default (it's normally created by alsa-config.tcz, maybe?) .
So, I've create the directory, and then the store command works, and it creates a asound.state:

tc@box:~$ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/alsa
tc@box:~$ sudo echo "var/lib/alsa" >> /opt/.filetool.lst
tc@box:~$ sudo alsactl store

Now the alsamixer settings are stored, but they are not restored on boot. I've added this command to the end of /opt/bootlocal.sh, but it didn't work:

--- Code: ---alsactl restore
--- End code ---

Starting this command manually after boot, does work, but not on boot.
So, I've redirectred the error output to a logfile, and this is the error that's produced during startup.

alsactl: load_state:1735: No soundcards found...

It seems like the soundcard is not present yet when the restore command is executed during boot.
Did something change in the boot-order? This used to work fine on 7.1 .


--- Quote from: Gerrelt on June 05, 2016, 04:32:16 PM ---It seems like the soundcard is not present yet when the restore command is executed during boot.
Did something change in the boot-order? This used to work fine on 7.1 .

--- End quote ---

No, 7.1 and 8.0 is using the same scripts.

are you sure that you have


in your boot config.

No, I am using a USB souncard.

I've discovered that if I add a "sleep 1" before the restore command in the bootlocal.sh script, it works OK.

So I think the USB soundcard is not ready yet when the restore command is executed during boot.
I will have to think of way to check and wait until the USB soundcard is available.


--- Quote from: Gerrelt on June 06, 2016, 07:07:53 AM ---No, I am using a USB souncard.

I've discovered that if I add a "sleep 1" before the restore command in the bootlocal.sh script, it works OK.

So I think the USB soundcard is not ready yet when the restore command is executed during boot.
I will have to think of way to check and wait until the USB soundcard is available.

--- End quote ---

Yes, USB gets detected rather late in the boot process.   It's really been evident on rpi2 and rpi3 and the later piCore releases, they boot very fast.  Should be able to process aplay -l through grep to see when a sound card is present.


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