During the piCore-7.1 beta test cycle Raspbian moved to the long term 4.4.y kernel. To follow this change, I started to work on piCore-8.0. First very early beta version is already running on both armv6 and armv7 boards. Practically all components updated in the base. Most importants:
- kernel 4.4.y
- glibc 2.23
- BusyBox 1.24.2
- util-linux 2.28
- GCC 6.1
Because of the new toolchain, nearly all basic packages are rebuilt with GCC 6.1. There are only few programs do not build but most of them are OK. Current beta is built on kernel 4.4.9. WiFi stack works fine, next is sound. When it works, first public beta will be available.
It means, that no new 7.1 beta is planned.