Thanks. I think dCore should have a section for contributed scripts. Perhaps I should put up a 'programming and scripting' section here like there is in the Core section. I am good with either the wiki or a p&s area, I would like to hear input and see what the thoughts are on it.
That sounds excellent!
I feel so damn bad for not making a working installation script now... but at least I made it, and had it published, in a simple open source format where anyone can contribute... so I shouldn't feel too bad.
But I have more interesting things in the pipes, so a section for or forum-topic at least, for dCore scripts, source code and packages would be nice.
And you have my blessing for continuing work on the wiki as well Nitram! Make a section for that as well Nitram ^^, where you write down "Contributors to the wiki are officially blessed by LichenSymbiont and sm8ps" or whatever, hehe.
Though I'm not so arrogant as to think my means anything, but it's nice to know you have someone with you. Though that may be presumptious even, just insulting your intelligence, as you know exactly what the hell you are doing.
And also I'm not the guy you'd ask if you wanted to install Arch from scratch or whatever, I don't know Linux that well on the low level -- as I don't think I need to, or will ever need to. As I think there should really be a solid installation script. But I can write clean and nicely structured scripts. So I welcome messy contributions that I can just clean up.
Hmm... and that's mostly the reason, really, that it didn't get completed, I just tried to learn the Arch install scripts, and thought I could just magically boil it down. But those scripts are quite huge, and I just didn't have the patience for it.
Anyways, keep on working for the best dCore possible everyone!