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Author Topic: tce-wget and tce-load xxx.tce wget install command .tcrc mirroring  (Read 2888 times)

Offline bigpcman

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I ran through some tests to clarified (at least for me) that the /opt/.tcrc repository mirror still is not checked by the tce-load script to make sure it is pointing at the right tce or tcz directory.

jpeters came up with some code to fix the problem but it does not cover the microcore extension case.

Code: [Select]
case $APP in
 *.tce* ) sed -i 's/tcz/tce/g' /opt/.tcrc ;;
 *.tcz* ) sed -i 's/tce/tcz/g' /opt/.tcrc ;;

Performing a "tce-load Xlibs.tczl wget install" obviously won't work but what will? I tried  release/core_elements/Xlibs.tczl and various other combinations changing both the mirror address and the tce address but have not found the magic combination. Any ideas?
big pc man

Offline roberts

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core elements are only for microcore. They should not be used with tinycore.
They are not to be considered normal extensions and as such are not in the respository area.

You have repeated your post regarding the rc file and I have answered where first posted.
10+ Years Contributing to Linux Open Source Projects.

Offline bigpcman

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core elements are only for microcore. They should not be used with tinycore.
They are not to be considered normal extensions and as such are not in the respository area.

You have repeated your post regarding the rc file and I have answered where first posted.

This post discussion should be part of http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=1863.0. Please refer to this post for further discussion on this subject.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 09:01:54 AM by bigpcman »
big pc man