wifi.sh did not work for me, maybe because I have a wireless router?
Had to edit /etc/sysconfig/wifi-wpadrv, used nl880211 instead of wext
Made a wpa.conf and used this
wpa_supplicant -B -iwlan0 -c/home/tc/wpa.conf -Dnl80211
Have not done wifi on piCore before.
To many other things to learn, but now that Pi 3's are around it got bumped up the list.
Still much more to learn re command line wifi.
Basically fumbling around in the dark, trying things from google.
Might have fire up a X11 version of piCore and try to see how GUI's do it.
Is there a wifi GUI?
Time to read up
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_tools_for_Linux#wpa_supplicant.2Fhostapdwpa_supplicant for client
hostapd for server
So if I want to make a Pi3 lawnmower controlled via wifi I need to learn hostapd?