I'll confess to having next to no SNMP knowledge, like I said I just built it so I could get a decently featured set of server apps (openldap, net-snmp, mariadb, postgresql, apache, php, open-vm-tools and a bunch of supporting libraries like cyrus-sasl, libiconv, libiodbc, libmcrypt, libaio, libgd) for 64-bit put together and up to date. I can handle the LAMP part. It would be nice if someone experienced in the esotaric arts like LDAP and SNMP could verify my work. I built net-snmp using this:
./configure --disable-embedded-perl --with-mysql --with-perl-modules --with-defaults --without-rpm
Along with the libraries and mib files there are these executables:
Does this look complete (enough)? I haven't had time to double check it. I got it to compile, I hand made the extensions, and I moved on. Running an old binary on a new system is a lot less of a problem than running a new binary on an old system. Have you tried other 7.0 extensions (actually compiled on 7.0 and not just copied up from prior versions) to see if they run OK?