Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing

Core v7.0rc2

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Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce that Tiny Core 7.0 rc2 is available for public testing:


This is a release candidate. If you decide to help test, then please test carefully. We don't want anyone to lose data.

We appreciate testing and feedback.

If you use distribution files note that you need a new vmlinuz and core.gz (or rootfs.gz + modules.gz)

Changelog for 7.0 rc2:
* glibc patched for dns vunerability
* tc-config: use full path for hwclock, from Misalf

Changelog for 7.0 rc1:
* kernel updated to 4.2.9 with the latest stable patch, with these config changes:
  - minstrel enabled for some wireless cards
  - vmmouse disabled for VMWare + Xvesa
  - the cpu limit on the 64-bit kernel raised to 64
* busybox updated to 1.24.1
* busybox patched to fix "crontab -e" error
* glibc updated to 2.22
* gcc updated to 5.2.0
* e2fsprogs base libs/apps updated to 1.42.13
* util-linux base libs/apps updated to 2.27


* there is a drm/i915 kernel driver error pending a fix
* the alsa extensions have been refactored and updated
* the Xorg-7.7 extensions have been updated.
* there is a significant (+/-20mb) increase in CorePlus iso size due to an increase in firmware extension size
* most other extensions have been copied over from the 6.x repo

vsock.ko.gz is missing from the 64-bit core.gz. The companion module vmw_vsock_vmci_transport.ko.gz is there. Kind of a show stopper for open-vm-tools testing on 64-bit.

There is a discrepancy in Apps when browsing corepure64 and x86 repo dep files

Local deps report correct module dependency "module-4.2.9" (shown in background), however when browsing the repo (shown in foreground) the deps indicate modules for previous kernel "module-4.2.7" yet the system variable KERNEL is used in all dep files

This anomaly occurs in at least these extensions:

Also note: this is simply an indication issue within Apps, as the correct module is downloaded from repo when requested

In 7.x 64-bit repository libfreetype.so.6 and libharfbuzz.so.0 are mutually dependent (per ldd), which isn't the case in 7.x 32 bit. Why is this? I have a dependency tree walking script that went into a loop.


--- Quote from: andyj on February 19, 2016, 10:03:04 AM ---vsock.ko.gz is missing from the 64-bit core.gz. The companion module vmw_vsock_vmci_transport.ko.gz is there. Kind of a show stopper for open-vm-tools testing on 64-bit.

--- End quote ---

--- Code: ---$ grep VSOCK config-4.2.9-tinycore*
--- End code ---

It's built-in, seems.


The tree files are just for viewing, and they'll get refreshed via natural updates.


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