Hi, Core people!

I've got an issue with minimal internationalization of piCore 7.0. I only need my Java application to display characters on several translated languages under X (I don't need international input/keyboards). This worked fine for me on Ubuntu and also on TinyCore, but on piCore the same actions won't work.
What I do is simple: copy the required fonts to the required location, currently two or three ttf files are enough, and then fc-cache -rv. Then it is usually enough to restart the application, or the entire X session.
To make things clear, the fc-cache actually recognizes the fonts, this is shown in the command output. I can also
see that the fonts are different, for English letters. However for some other languages, like Chinese, Korean, Arabic, and others the most I get is either empty boxes or question marks, depending on a font.
Is it something I'm not aware about for this specific Core?