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Author Topic: MiniPlayer - single SD card partition version audio player with WiFi support.  (Read 2903 times)

Offline jgrulich

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Main Features:
1) WiFi support included even for hidden networks
2) Really minimal, has only 20MB.
3) Only one FAT partition, no need for ext4 etc.
4) Starts within 20.sec. included the WiFi connection
5) Based on piCore7.0 and squeezelite

Download link:

1) Use any SD card and format it to FAT.
2) Extract the downloaded zip file onto it

1) Network hostname is set at the end of cmdline.txt.
2) Audio card is defined via overlays in the config.txt
3) WiFi config is in wifi.cfg
4) The rest of configuration is in the bootlocal.sh

There you may select which WiFi script you like to use, if for hidden, or visible network, and the config for the player like a player name, which may be different from the hostname, or additional parameters.
The -U parameter sets the 100% volume for the given output. If you like another setup, remove the -U parameter and set the value with amixer sset as the last line of the file, for example: amixer sset Headphones 15

All comments and thoughts are welcome!

Offline beerstein

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Can I use it instead of LMS ?
t(w)o be(ers) or not t(w)o be(ers) that is the question

Offline jgrulich

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Can I use it instead of LMS ?

No instead, but together with LMS. MiniPlayer is only player which need LMS like a streaming server. One LMS may than control several players together, or independently.
I'm using it exactly like this.

Offline beerstein

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Ok thanx for tat. I am confused by all the different player clients and music servers. Just to name a few: VLC, OSMC, OpenELEC, Kodi, RASPBMC, LMS, Mini-Player, piCorePlayer, slimserver, slimserver-CPAN-armv6, squeezelite, 

Question: Can I setup one RASPI-2 running slimserver and Mini-Player on one hardware system? Or do I need two Raspberries where the client (f.i. MiniPlayer) is installed on one system and the slimserver is running on another RASPI running piCore7.

Can I user the PiCore Player as a server with the MiniPlayer on two different RASPIs ?

Thank you in advance for that.
t(w)o be(ers) or not t(w)o be(ers) that is the question

Offline jgrulich

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Ok thanx for tat. I am confused by all the different player clients and music servers. Just to name a few: VLC, OSMC, OpenELEC, Kodi, RASPBMC, LMS, Mini-Player, piCorePlayer, slimserver, slimserver-CPAN-armv6, squeezelite, 
Understood, it's quite complicated to understand.
Players are: VLC, OSMC, OpenELEC, Kodi, RASPBMC, Mini-Player, piCorePlayer, squeezelite
Server you've mentioned only one with different names: Logitech Media Server , also called slimserver
slimserver-CPAN-armv6 is one part of the slimserver package.

Question: Can I setup one RASPI-2 running slimserver and Mini-Player on one hardware system? Or do I need two Raspberries where the client (f.i. MiniPlayer) is installed on one system and the slimserver is running on another RASPI running piCore7.

No, the MiniPlayer is a version of squeezelite player with special version of piCore system which works only with the FAT partition and there is no persistent storage device. But you may use another way how to do so. You may user regular version of piCore instalation with FAN and ext4 partitions and than install slimserver and than qsueezelite packages. Than I recommend to add the FTP server and minidlna to have the full featured home media NAS. Or you may use next gen PiCore Player with integrated slimserver and add the rest staff.
I'm using the slimserver + squeezelite + FTP + minidlna and it works perfectly.

Can I user the PiCore Player as a server with the MiniPlayer on two different RASPIs ?

Yes, you may use slimserver, or next gen. PiCore Player as a server on one Raspi and MiniPlayer on another Raspi, MiniPlayer is designed exactly for this purpose. The advantage of the MiniPlayer only FAT partition approach is that you don't need care about the power plug, unplug to corrupt the card, because it is read-only all the time. The different it is with slimserver. It needs correct "poweroff" command and prevent any power fail.

Offline M-H

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Hi team,
I read this thread as I am figuring out where to store the music files on the latest pcoreplayer (2.04) setup.
I do use the LMS/Slimserver + squeezelite on one and the same device. But as it is a neat small pizero I do not want to add a hub and USB thumbdrive if I can leave it on the SD.
I have got it working on /mnt/mmcblk0p2/data as this gave me the remainder of the storage, after volume expansion I guess
But I need to know what is designed for what in Picore . Perhaps  a third partition on /dev/mmcblk0 would be best ?

I guess the picoreplayer warning  on te LMS tab is a bit outdated, as the pi3 is also used to my knowledge.
But still it woud be good to know what design features and its limitations we meed to keep in mind for the storage part.

Regards Marcel