Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
how do I get XFCE desktop and thunar file manager installed
Hmm, I just tried nautilus --force-desktop but can't get wbar to be displayed on top.
Same thing with pcmanfm --desktop .
As I said I'm using iDesk. Needs manual editing of config files for each icon and has no right-click menu, but doesn't interfere with the root window or apps like wbar as those do mentioned above.
I haven't tried ROX-Filer's desktop feature in combination with wbar.
I don't know if this OS is right for me, I just chose it so I would have a "custom" "stable" and "fast" linux platform
for smooth browsing and gaming, if I go through the trouble and get it setup the way I need it to be I still don't
know if it will be capable of my meeting my needs so before I waste everyone's time here at the forums would you be able to tell me if tiny core is able to run low end games?
the dependencies I would need are
gettext zlib1g-dev
intltool libagg-dev
Those look good:
gtk2.tcz (2.24.25)
glu.tcz (9.0.0)
SDL.tcz (1.2.14)
SDL2.tcz (2.0.0)
libglade.tcz (2.6.4)
gettext.tcz (0.19.2)
zlib_base-dev.tcz (1.2.8 )
intltool.tcz (0.51.0)
By seaching for "mesa" via Apps broser's Tags option, it seems
mesa is provided by glu.tcz , libGL.tcz and libEGL.tcz .
Installing Xorg-7.7-3d.tcz and xf86-video-<YOUR_GRAPHICS_CHIP>.tcz should be enough.
libasound.tcz (1.1.0) might need update in your case.
Hi leon8200
You might also want to take the time to check this out:
It's a fast and easy read and well worth your time.
By the way, I'm currently on 7.x where the intel graphics driver is broken for 3D (in my case). However, on 5.x & 6.x I used to play AoE2, Diablo2 and Quake2 through WINE, and Doom (Zandronum), zSNES and Minecraft natively. Also several other SDL games. So it's possible in general.
Tiny Core is no anti-gaming platform. Even if it is not TC's goal, you can make it a gaming station. As usual though, a nvidia card and it's proprietary drivers are probably preferable regarding 3D.
I couldn't get the Freespace SCP client to compile, but IIRC that was a perl version incompatibility.
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