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Author Topic: informal writing - email, irc, forums, social networks  (Read 2644 times)

Offline ttz

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informal writing - email, irc, forums, social networks
« on: January 07, 2016, 05:18:59 PM »
in informal writing, i've shunned use of caps. i abbreviate. use concocted accronyms. except where i mean to show respect, i don't use caps. a period-space combo is delimiter enough; i don't need to add an uppercase to show start of next sentence.

in informal context, does that hurt communication?
« Last Edit: January 07, 2016, 05:21:07 PM by ttz »

Offline NewUser

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Re: informal writing - email, irc, forums, social networks
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2016, 06:36:30 PM »
I'm an old fart, so consider the source.

Yes, it does.

Offline ttz

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Re: informal writing - email, irc, forums, social networks
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2016, 07:05:16 PM »

You have said my habits do hurt communication. I hear that. Would you please tell me more; tell me why; expand?

Offline nitram

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Re: informal writing - email, irc, forums, social networks
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2016, 07:44:53 PM »
It depends on your target audience and how well the other person(s) know you, your writing style and your language. Age is also a factor, different generations write and communicate differently. So can't comment on personal emails and such but in regards to public forum posts my viewpoint below. Is a forum informal? Yes and no, not writing a letter to the Queen of England but clear communication is important.

Tiny Core forum rule #3:
3. Posts should be reasonably readable...

Some forums are quite strict on the issue and edit posts or ban users after repeated violations.

As an example, here's the first rule of formatting from the BSD forum:
1. Please write as clearly as possible. Use English punctuation and capitalization, and avoid abbreviating things. This helps to improve the clarity of messages and make problems easier to solve.

Many users speak English as a second language, imagine trying to interpret and understand something formatted like a hip tweet.

Especially if requesting assistance, why intentionally make it harder for others to understand what you are saying.

ttz wrote:
...except where i mean to show respect...

Please be respectful at all times.

Offline thane

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Re: informal writing - email, irc, forums, social networks
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2016, 10:28:01 PM »
Well, I tend to be tolerant about spelling, punctuation, etc. on a forum like this because for many posters here English is not their first language, and/or they're looking for help and typing in a hurry. I'm not clear why you'd shun capitals though if you know when it's appropriate to use them. And I agree that using abbreviations or acronyms of your own devising might leave people wondering what you're trying to say.

Offline Rich

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Re: informal writing - email, irc, forums, social networks
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2016, 02:55:54 AM »
Hi ttz
This forum is about the exchange of information. Whether asking a question, providing an answer, offering a tip, or
proposing an idea, you should strive to make your communications clear and concise. Here are a few reasons why:

1. If you are looking for answers:
      A. The people trying to help you shouldn't have to struggle to understand what you are saying.
      B. If they do have to struggle, you may find fewer people willing to help you.
2. Giving an answer that is difficult to understand can be as frustrating as the problem the original poster is trying to solve.
3. Acronyms, some of our members speak English as a second language and may not comprehend their meaning.

Consider this, people develop habits. It's human nature. Over time you will find yourself instinctively using these
shortcuts when writing reports, proposals, a resume, etc. Concocted acronyms, that's a non starter and really
should require no explanation. Presuming you are an adult, here is my advice:

You are not in high school anymore. This is the real world and capitalization, punctuation, and spelling count.

Offline Misalf

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Re: informal writing - email, irc, forums, social networks
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2016, 03:48:48 PM »
Without mentioning any age, I'd quote reply #1.
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Offline ttz

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Re: informal writing - email, irc, forums, social networks
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2016, 05:50:35 PM »
This is a wonderful set of replies! I am excited to read them - it feels like dialog.

I will change my ways. Thanks to all for the thoughts expressed.

Respectfully yours,