Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

bootlocal.sh not executed on startup (from the command line it does)

<< < (2/2)

Try this, after ...

--- Code: ---/opt/eth0.sh &

--- End code ---
or however you start the network ...

--- Code: ---SEC=60
while [ $SEC -gt 0 ]; do
ifconfig | grep -q "Bcast" && break || sleep 1
echo -ne "Waiting for IP... $((SEC--)) \r"
mkdir /mnt/nfs
/usr/local/etc/init.d/nfs-client start
mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs

--- End code ---

BTW, you would use  sleep 5  without the equal sign ( = ).

waitusb=5  is a boot code, which only affects the boot process before any extensions get loaded.
sleep  is a busybox command.

bootlocal.sh  is called by  bootsync.sh. Executing  bootsync.sh  from  bootlocal.sh  I would think creates an infinite loop.

Thank for the explanation.
I'm used to sles / ubuntu / centos.
Some things however are completely different in TinyCore so I have to learn the differences.
Mosf difficult part for me is diagnose/troubelshooting. but I'm going to invest time to learn it.
Best play to learn is this forum.


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