Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

bootlocal.sh not executed on startup (from the command line it does)

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I'm a fresh TinyCore user and I tried to mount a nfs share.
So I installed nfs-utils, added in /opt/bootlocal.sh the following lines:
mkdir /mnt/nfs
/usr/local/etc/init.d nfs-client start
mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs

Before rebooting created backup with the command filetoolsh -b
After rebooting, /mnt/nfs is empty.
After executing sudo /opt/bootlocal.sh
/mnt/nfs is mounted as expected.
Help, what's going wrong?? (syntax and configuration must be ok, timing problem? Dmesg doesn't help me any futher)
(now using coreplus-current32-5.4, version TinyCorePure64-6.4.1 neither mounted my drive)
Best Regards

Is this the exact entry?

--- Code: ---/usr/local/etc/init.d nfs-client start

--- End code ---
because it should be

--- Code: ---/usr/local/etc/init.d/nfs-client start

--- End code ---

Try booting with boot code  pause  to see if you get any error messages during bootlocal.sh.
Maybe  rpcbind  needs some time to start. If so you might add  sleep 1  before starting nfs-client.

Your network is likely not yet up at that point - you'd need to wait for that before doing the mount. There are script snippets on this forum, search for ifconfig should find them.

Indeed I forgot the / 
Adding the line below (before the mounting) didn't help
On this forum searching for ifconfig gave no result.
Best regards

adding the line below  :)
in file /opt/bootlocal.sh before the nfs mount did the trick.
Thank you very much.
Just curious, why doesn't the command waitusb=5 or sleep=5 help? 


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