I'm a fresh TinyCore user and I tried to mount a nfs share.
So I installed nfs-utils, added in /opt/bootlocal.sh the following lines:
mkdir /mnt/nfs
/usr/local/etc/init.d nfs-client start
mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs
Before rebooting created backup with the command filetoolsh -b
After rebooting, /mnt/nfs is empty.
After executing sudo /opt/bootlocal.sh
/mnt/nfs is mounted as expected.
Help, what's going wrong?? (syntax and configuration must be ok, timing problem? Dmesg doesn't help me any futher)
(now using coreplus-current32-5.4, version TinyCorePure64-6.4.1 neither mounted my drive)
Best Regards