Hi Guys,
I use PS3 Eye cameras for my home security system running Motionpie.
These only do 640x480 res and I am adding the Pi CSI cameras for high res still etc.
Now starting to use IR leds and NOIR cameras for night time security, based on piCore.
One thing I have been thinking about is using the dogs barking to start recording, audio/still/video.
Got Alsa install and tested audio levels by running this code
arecord -D plughw:0,0 -d 10 -vv /dev/nullmixer
-vv give a VU type output, -d 0 will give continuous running.
This defaults to single channel which is ok for detection.
The Eye 3 webcams have 4 microphones, so there is a possible audio location use.
This would be good for robot use, pull the camera apart and aim the mics in 4 directions.
Phase delay analysis will locate sound sources.
Where do I find the raw audio data in linux?
I want to use shell, micropython or lua code to set a threshold level and start thing happening if the audio gets above the level.
My Linux Audio coding skills are now two days old.
Having trouble installing sox in piCore which has an interesting Spectrogram function.
Not sure where libgomp.xxx is hiding?
Dog barks are interesting to look at using the spectrogram function in sox or Audacity.
Sox makes a png file for the spectrogram, not sure how I would analysis that with shell script:)
So I want to get the raw data and work on it myself.