Thanks a lot Juanito (btw, how do you do to know all these things??

But, please don't take me wrong, xmms is not the most intuitive and logical gui mediaplayer.
Is it an insolent request to ask for a nicer, more intuitive and not so sourcehungry mediaplayer extension (at a first step i went vlc because from other linuxes i know often it works even when other don't - but you cannot call it small)?
In slackware i use whaawmp (which seems to me small but pretty much functional; i tried to built of it my own extension but i was unable to find all dependencies - and for sure i'm not so close to compiling that i'd be able to create the missing dependencies too). Another app that comes up to my mind would be exaile (but i didn't use it since a long time - when i gave up lubuntu for slackware

In any case, big thank you for your patience!
PS. Left aside the question, if audacious is able to do the same as xmms, i don't know why there isn't a nicer skin for it (in lubuntu it looks totally different).