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Right.  Hiro....

Chrome gets more heavy every week.

Google  it seems, are not alone, in the fact that they are always trying to impose further lockdowns. They dribble feed these lockdowns into previously"uncapped free services". 

For example, even doing
a simple google document recently, i wasn't allowed to cut and paste (or other rudimentary features)
unless i was also partnered up with their  supposed free "google drive service".

It can start to become ineffective for getting simple computing IT tasks done.
(Am i telling the big G how to run itself).....nope, i will just go elsewhere.

As for Chrome, it's pretty simple to stop the background data which is passes. You may often find that employing some free extensions will completely streamline Chrome.  Such as compression proxy's
and other extensions.

Chrome is a number one product (When there isn't any alternative) but we have others clipping the heels. Vivaldi.

I use Slimjet which is pretty nice. It's a slightly dressed down version of Chrome with annoyances removed. (free)


best wishes

and google is being used even if you don't have chrome or any google product. your friends with android smartphones that synced their contacts to the google server probably already delivered a bunch of data about you. and if you go on any typical ad-driven web site there's a high chance it will be using google's ad network.
there's really no way, just like the NSA is anyways hooked in to all your big backbones.
forget it.
google is just application layer NSA.
NSA tries to get the same amount of intel from analyzing the data path as deep as possible, but they don't work as efficient, cause they never specialized on application layer like google :)
i don't think me being annoyed about or avoiding google is gonna change anything, theres no escape unless you stop using the web.
they control web standards, too, as you might all remember. and they're getting worse and worse, more and more complex, and in the end the actual thing used by the end-user is so .ing useless in comparison to what was done 10 years ago already.

indeed hiro....the games these tech corporations are involved in are unreal..

on an unrelated topic i had to deal with TELCO companies recently....they are in exactly the same game of selling
you a product that is nothing like what you "thought" you paid for. Same as how google are doing illicit things behind your back that you have no knowledge of. (Sharing your info)

I purchased a monthly DSL service. It came and it's pretty fast compared to my earlier DSL competitor...however what the new dsl supplier neglected to tell me is that my DSL bandwidth on copper wire is SHARED with passers by in the street over a "pooling type principle on WI FI"...

incredible that they could Fraudulently sell me a product in this way. I'ts a giant UK telco.

What's basically happening is the DSL SIGNAL i paid for per month (the copper bandwidth)  pickpocketed from my copper line if i am not using "all the bandwidth" and beamed out into the street for passes by to purchase at a HUGE cost just so they can get web connection (wi fi) the telco pickpocket  MY BANDWIDTH which i already paid them for.... and then sell it AGAIN at a much higher price to passers by.

THe Telco then tried to gazump my thinking process by saying (oh sir.... we are also giving YOU free unlimited wi-fi hotspots acces from your tablet to city hotspots all year round)......that's TRUE...... and that is what was in their advert when i purchased my copper wire  DSL product from that advert.  (free umlimited WI FI too) "the deal"

But their advert was otherwise lies.  The advert should have said  "DSL broadband per month (on a shared contention approach) and also YOU get free unlimited WI FI access to Hotspots in 14 million places in europe).

They neglected to mention that a product they already SOLD to me, they then pickpocket some of it back off me...... from under my nose ....and sell it to passers by in the street at a HUGE price.


"Oh sir, the bandwidth sharing pool is intelligent and it will never affect the speed of your copper broadband performance"....
utter rubbish
I have a degree in telco's and that is utter rubbish.

There are many examples where the "pickpocketing of  bandwidth" will affect your wired broadband performance.

For example, when downloading a file that a company is supplying up to the web at T1 speeds.... then my copper line would try to gobble up that download at my "MAX supported line speed"........but minus what JOHN SMITH down the block is sucking from my bandwidth.....(and many other John's or people who are sucking my bandwidth)

The telco lied to me. They sold me a product which is something ELSE from what they described that product to be to me.

i have yet to deal with them. Its not complex other than the fact that this is pandemic and missunderstood by 90 percent of wired dsl customers. Those consumers don't even KNOW that the services they paid for are pickpocketed (degrading their own savings) then sold on elsewhere at huge extra profit for the telco.

The way the telco do it is with a business model. For example hiro....the telco will say  "we have 100 dsl customers".....Some are business customers......... some residents and citizens.

78 residents
22 business.

(a) The 22 business guys purhased "unlimited monthly DSL" from us cheap.....why cheap?....because those business-guys AGREED to beam out
some of their  "unlimited bandwidth" into the street for sale or for DSL people like me to sniff completely free........generally, .passers by BUY that bandwidth on wi fi and connect to the web........(they pay a fortune as passers by so the TELCO in this example "a"....... are making good profit.

(b) THe other 78 residents purchased "monthly throttled DSL" from us with only 10 gigs of DATA allowed per month.......but these guys also get "free unlmited WI FI hotspots" thrown in with the deal.....(meanwhile we (the telco)  pickpocket their bandwidth at home and sell it in the street..... (as described above)

(c) the combination of (a) and (b) ensures a very profitabble "passers by" INCOME for the's a reliable "WI FI pool of bandwidth" which they can sell onwards....

HIro, the issues arise about "How they sell it".....?

A percentage of people passing by my house are indeed people already like me......they purchased the same DSL deal i did and coincidentally they passed by my street and so sniffed WI FI here ( they have free unlimited  access to that wi fi)......that's great......i shared some of my pot from home.......and maybe next week when i am  in town i pass a guys HOUSE and he's similar to me with the same DSL deal.....and i sniff WI FI there.........and i can use it unlimited  for free.

but there is an auxillary "billing model" that the telco use....the telco can SELL this bandwidth at HUGE cost to the passer by who isnt on any DSL deal like me.........that passer by  just pays HUGE cost for the roaming wi fi connection per hour...

it is somewhat more contrived than that example........but generally so


you see hiro?

nothing is "free" really.........we all already paid for everything that is in that "wi fi pool" yet we were not even told we were contributing to that pool
or asked if we DID or DID NOT want to contribute......(later if you say you don't want to conribute....then the telco remove your "free unlimied wi-fi hotspots sweetener access" that you got thrown in free with your DSL deal

 that  free sweetener was "inside" the DSL deal you agreed was nice.......what wasn;t nice was they didn't tell you HOW sugar is made.

there are other reasons WHY somebody may not want to be "auto opted in" to the wi fi pool that they knew nothing about or about being "auto opted into it).....they may  just NOT want any wi fi signals in their room and just want to use wires........if thats the case then they  must OPT OUT of the pool and in so doing you loose
your part of the sweetener deal you signed......  "loss of your free wi fi hotspots access.... when you are out and about in the city with a tablet)


haha, dude.
i'd say these are seperate issues: one is just typical business behavior, the other is being part of state law sanctions and thus forced to have interfaces for lawful interception. and then there's the lawless interception that might happen anywhere that i don't know much about :)

one reason they can do money with their shitty customer wifis here in germany is because customers were dumb enough to support a government that made it nonviable for people to operate publicly accessible wifis, due to monetary threats easily enforced through the shitty legal system.

i'd imagine an other reason is that many people are incompetent to employ proper multi-queueing for qos. I disagree with you that it's not possible, because I had set such a system up a long time ago for 5 people and visitors who had to share a 10/1 Mbit DSL line.


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