Attempting to run dCore Jessie in graphic mode with old Intel i810 onboard graphic chip.
Onboot loading of vesa driver boots to graphics, poor resolution despite xorg.conf changes.
Unable to boot into graphics using xorg-intel driver(s). Not sure if this is relevant, log output indicates module i915 not present. Tried with/out xorg.conf file.
Debian Jessie xserver-xorg-video-intel ( indicates the i810 is supported.
Noteworthy, regular TC 6.4 runs fine in graphics on same hardware using Xorg-7.7.tcz, xf86-video-intel.tcz and custom xorg.conf file.
Does dCore use customized Intel driver? Is something missing? Assistance appreciated, would really like to try dCore on this system.
I'm new to dCore, maybe i'm doing something wrong. Any more information required, please ask. Thanks.
Edit: Should also mention, tried to run dCore several months ago with same issue. Tried both variants of Debian and Ubuntu i believe it was. Today was the first time i was able to boot dCore into graphics using vesa with poor resolution, but it's not functional like this. Thanks.