I'm using Picoreplayer on micro core as an audiostreamer on a Rasp 1 B+. Audio out via a Audio-GD hdmi output module makin use of the i2s GPIO pins. All works fine but one small detail: the left and right audio channel are the wrong way around. This is because the left-right configuration of the audio-gd module is opposite of the right-left (

) config of my Dac (Pink Faun).
To solve this I thought of swapping the channels in linux. Biggest problem with that so far: I'm a absolute Linux n00b...
The possible solution i did find is switching the channels in /etc/pulse/deamon.conf
; default-sample-channels = 2
; default-channel-map = front-left,front-right
default-sample-channels = 2
default-channel-map = front-right,front-left
But i can't find this file, or edit any other file that seems to haveanything to do with audio.
Can anyone help me out? Solving this will make this an ultimate low cost, high end streamer.