Hi all,
TC looks great. I'll install it to a HDD tomorrow & start learning. The time has come for me to make a change in distro after many years, & hopefully TC just may become my new home.
As it stands, I've been using Arch then Manjaro for ~8 years. So I'm a binary boy (apart from the easy compiles from the AUR). TC's Appbrowser looks to be a very cool way to handle packages. Though it is going to take me some learning/adjusting to get used to the TC way of managing packages that do need to be compiled because they aren't in the repo.
I like (a lot) that you haven't been taken over by systemd, & that TC is basically a roll your own distro (if you want it to be), I find that very appealing.
Anyway, the reason for this wordy post is that I've been long used to running a system that is set up on Openbox, with tint2, Worker, qBittorrent, Pale Moon (Firefox if I have to), Terminator, Sakura, Evince, GParted, VLC; these are my primary app's. I can use alternatives to some of these app's if I have to, but, after many years of use, Worker has become essential to the way that I use a computer, to the point that if a system doesn't run Worker, I'm not interested. (I know, its my problem...)

So, THE question is: can I just download & install Ralph's binary Worker package & it will run? Do I just need to match Worker with compatible versions of the X11 libraries, as they are basically Worker's only dependencies?
Anyway, thanks for a great distro & for any help that I may get.

Please forgive my ignorance, & my being presumptuous in asking this so soon. I'm being driven by the thought of possibly not being able to use Worker.

<shaking at the thought!>