Rich, success, it compiles natively in a TC6 VM of mine. Thanks, I don't think Docker works because Mono relies on CMake internally, and when it polls for architecture and hardware, it's probably returning my host architecture (x86_64 running a new 4.x kernel) which screws up the whole build.
Would be nice to get TC8 working on this ancient hardware. To keep it short, the Xorg extension crashes on the target architecture and does not boot up (will post an error log of this tomorrow). The default TC8 Xvesa works fine but don't think that supports OpenGL. curaga, I think you are referring to using the xf86-video-vesa extension ... that works fine in TC6 but since TC8 can't even load Xorg, it doesn't work there. I believe only older kernels will work w/ graphics on this E680 Atom architecture. I will do more testing tomorrow, stay tuned.