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new Firefox extensions

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--- Quote from: pq5190362 on June 17, 2017, 08:07:30 PM ---How does one instruct firefox_getLatest to install the 64-bit version of Firefox instead of installing the 32-bit version?

--- End quote ---
I'm sorry I'm having a hard time figuring out where you're going with that....
Because in corepure64 the 64bit version is automatically chosen when the script is run.  The only choices you have are in selection of language and one of the many versions.

Additionally, it's not possible to download or run the 32bit version in 64bit architecture.   Likewise, it's not possible to run Firefox 64bit version in a 32bit architecture (by that I mean user space eg: Core64)

--- Quote ---Oh, and, couldn't it also be used to install Thunderbird?
--- End quote ---
The Thunderbird email client?  I think it would be better to create a new extension,  Is Thunderbird updated that often to require a Thunderbird_getlatest type installer, rather than compile and submit???
It might also be better for someone who uses the email client to compile and submit rather than someone like me who uses web based email.

firefox_getLatest extension has been updated to function with latest busybox and is available in x86 and x86_64 repo's

However, I found that libzstd.tcz was missing from my corepure64 squashfs-tools.tcz dep list (for whatever reason), but after

--- Code: ---tce-audit updatedeps
tce-audit fetchmissing
--- End code ---
resolved squashfs-tools.tcz not loading with both firefox_getLatest and getFlash extensions

squashfs-tools was updated recently to give different compression options - the tce extension default remains zlib

Thanks Juanito, I had come to that conclusion but wanted to advise folks to simply update their squashfs-tools extension and deps if firefox_getLatest  failed to create a Firefox extension.. 



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