Tiny Core Extensions > TCE News
new Firefox extensions
firefox_getLatest extension is still reliably creating firefox extensions thankfully throughout many updates.
Currently running at version 50.1.0
Latest firefox-ESR has been submitted for those who simply want to download a current firefox extension.
Latest ESR versin is currently 45.6.0
Re: TC-8.x It turns out that ca-certificates extension is needed for curl and wget, so it's added to the firefox_getLatest.sh script.
firefox_getLatest Extension updated and submitted
Also; latest script is attached
I'm not sure how this happened, but TC-8 x86_64's copy of firefox-ESR was an old version. This created a little confusion, but now that we figured that out the GTK2/3 update is no longer an issue.
firefox-ESR extensions updated to version 52.1.2-ESR and submitted to both TC-8 x86 & x86_64 repo's
Additionally I'm glad we figured out the changes with ca-certificates as that too caused some issues with curl in the firefox_getLatest extension in both TC-8 x86 & x86_64 repo's.
Anyhow, all fixed and updates submitted..
To avoid issues downloading the latest firefox version 54.0 be sure to first use APPS > update to get the latest extension.
How does one instruct firefox_getLatest to install the 64-bit version of Firefox instead of installing the 32-bit version?
Oh, and, couldn't it also be used to install Thunderbird?
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