I have uploaded isohybrid ISOs to the release candidates area. Also, I have made a script that installs an isohybrid ISO to a usb below. You choose the iso, then choose the USB device. The only thing is that this makes the USB like a CD ISO in that you have to choose a TCE directory outside of the chosen USB. Still viable, but I will also make a USB install like Unetbootin that lets you use the USB for the TCE directory. Below and attached is the install script, run it with an ISO downloaded from the release candidates area ISOs that have been run with isohybrid.
I hesitate to tell new users to use the dd command to try dCore on USB because of the risk, so the script makes it safer.
# (c) 2015 Jason Williams
> /tmp/usbinstall
> /tmp/usbinstalliso
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
if ls *.iso > /dev/null 2>&1; then
ls *.iso > /tmp/usbinstalliso
echo quit >> /tmp/usbinstalliso
echo "Please specify an ISO to install or one needs to exist in the current directory."
exit 1
cat /tmp/usbinstalliso | sort | uniq | select "Select the ISO you want to install." "-"
read ISO < /tmp/select.ans
if [ "$ISO" == "q" ] || [ "$ISO" == "quit" ]; then
echo "Exiting.."
exit 1
for I in `ls /dev/disk/by-id/ | grep usb`; do readlink /dev/disk/by-id/"$I" | sed 's/[0-9]*//g' | sed "s/[.-/]//g" >> /tmp/usbinstall; done
echo "quit" >> /tmp/usbinstall
uniq /tmp/usbinstall | select "Select USB device you want to install dCore to. WARNING: This will wipe that USB drive of existing data." "-"
read USB < /tmp/select.ans
if [ "$USB" == "q" ] || [ "$USB" == "quit" ]; then
echo "Exiting.."
exit 1
echo " "
echo -n "You are about to write "$ISO" to the USB drive /dev/"$USB". DO NOT REMOVE USB UNTIL SUCCESS MESSAGE APPEARS. Are you sure you want to continue? (y/N): "
read ans
if [ "$ans" == "y" ] || [ "$ans" == "Y" ]; then
echo " "
dd if="$ISO" of=/dev/"$USB"
echo " "
echo ""$ISO" written successfully to /dev/"$USB"."
exit 0
echo "Exiting.."
exit 1