HDMI: yes, there is an HDMI port but no, I don't have any HDMI monitors.

I've got vga monitors coming out my ears and a DVI or two but no hdmi.
The internal notebook display is still connected... I've been a fix-it guy all my life - cars, lawn mowers, guns, VCR's microwave ovens, computers - you name it. But I have never had more frustration than when I've tried to do anything with a laptop beyond what can be done via the "user accessible" panels on the bottom. Yeah, if I have to I'll open it up like in that youtube video (*), but at that point I'll probably just spend the money and replace the screen.
I have tried powering up the laptop with the HD out - it still refuses to boot from either the optical drive or the USB.
Having enough free space for a disk image on another drive is iffy - depends on the amount of compression I get. I'm running the size check now to find out but it will be a while... so in the mean time what ever shall I do? Hmmmm... maybe just bite the bullet and open up the laptop lid.
(*) Thanks for the link to that youtube video - I had done similar google searches but somehow didn't find just what I was looking for.