Sure, but default set contains backlight module.
Look, I have now 3.16.7 kernel and those extensions that have $(uname -r) in their names do not load at boot. The kernel looks for module-3.16.7.tcz and even when I try to load them manually they decline to load their dependencies for the same reason.
Is it correct if I just rename all extensions from e.g. alsa-modules-
3.16.6-tinycore.tcz to alsa-modules-
3.16.7-tinycore.tcz?Maybe it's a crude way.
I've tried to build the kernel with a bogus version string. There was said that version string is set inside of top level Makefile. There was base version=3, subversion=16 and something_else=7. I've changed 7 to 6 and started building. Nevertheless, modules were compiled as 3.16.7 and after I havebooted into new kernel
uname-r showed out that I'm after all in 3.16.7.
So, what is the most accurate and elegant way to
break make the system load all these modules that contain uname output in their names? Without a new rebuilding, please...
For now, I did something like this...
ln -s /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/*3.16.6* /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/*3.16.7*
and just in case
sudo ln -s /lib/modules/3.16.6-tinycore /lib/modules/3.16.7-tinycore
It seems for me that extensions' loading takes quite longer than before... it THINKS when loading
Hm... what if I do
alias uname -r='echo 3.16.6' ?

well... kinda joke