Great work with the wiki sm8ps! I'm sorry for giving you the impression that I'd be more involved when we started. But you've done an excellent job yourself, so I shouldn't be too sorry ^^
I'm more a lazy learner, that learns by doing and working things out myself and in my mind. So I shall continue to work on the installation script, and my GUI environment for dCore (and Linux in general). So learning by doing will be fun and easy, by having plenty of examples and templates to work from available to the users.
But once the script is working well, to install a basic system, with sound and compatible graphics, I will put some more effort into the wiki as well.
But first I want to get to TC's level of ease to install and use. By being able to open a terminal in the WM (probably JWM), for running sce-import (which asks the user for a package, when one isn't provided).
But if I can get my own XCB-based WM off the ground in time, it would be easy to implement a package manager by an edit-box and a regular menu-list for packages found, by having the WM execute sce-import with the text in the edit-box.
If JWM had an edit-box element, and more root-menus (it just has 3), I would have implemented it there already.
Though you could probably implement a simple xdialog in a script, which refreshes a JWM menu with the search-results, as well.
Keep up the good work!