Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64
V6.3 anyone building man pages?
I have build a package that includes doc and need to test its man page but can't find the man pages TCZ
Anyone building it or have earmarked it TODO?
If its already built forgive me and tell me where to look.
I tried apps ---provides man
I tried tce-ab and search for man.
If its not earmarked by someone would you like me to have a go?
cheers and thanks in advance.
Apps is not a command line tool.
In Apps, type "man" in the search window.
If you really did a "search" in tce-ab, how did you miss man and man-pages?
forgive me if I am wrong and am referring to Corepure64.
in apps, click browse type in man and photo is result
in terminal type tce-ab click search and type man and photo is result
any more clues?
EDIT ignore attachment ....at moment I can't seem to edit and remove it...its a duplicate of embedded image.
man pages are welcome in the corepure64 repo - there just doesn't happen to be any at the moment...
I have seen your other replies but will get back to you later on them.
In the middle of rebuilding to have both 32 bit stuff .....to cheat off ;D
which means I plan to use 2 main folders called 32 and 64---to contain everything but not yet complete.
Off topic to this thread but to save posting incomplete stuff in the gnome-terminal thread....I was on just flwm with no specific locale set.
I will reply there when I have completed rebuild....sorry.
2) Then I will have a go at man pages. I did ask permission of 2 of your esteemed colleagues if I could have a go at their packages normally maintained on 32 bit,
but I can't test the doc until man command exists can I ;D
I hope you don't mind this thread open in case more experienced 64 users suggest they prefer to do it.
To others,
I have yet to submit any packages so can not claim to have any experience in 64 builds so feel free to submit.
Other wise.....when I build it but not yet submitted...I will post here to let users know its in the pipeline.
Hope that reads better than it sounds.....but I know I am not quite up to speed yet.
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