Hi everyone.
I have compiled some programs for PiCore 6.1 beta (ARM6 - RPI B+):
barcode-0.99 (command line barcode generator) - no dependencies
flite (speech synthesis) - no dependencies
OliWeb (web server) - no dependencies
libsqlitefunctions.so (loadable module for sqlite3 - adds extra functions) - depends on sqlite3.bin
tn5250/lp5250d (IBM 5250 terminal emulator and lineprinter daemon)
USBMissileLauncher (Er, a command line control for a USB foam missile launcher) - depends on libusb
UVNC Repeater (UltraVNC repeater) - no dependencies
wol-0.7.1 (Wake on Lan)
wget-1.16.3 (Adds extra functionality such as recursive download)
(edit - tn5250 complains of needing extra libraries, but I can include the full compile dump if necessary - can't really see anyone needing tn5250 as it is only for IBM Iseries access

I haven't made these into tgz modules yet - just using them as pure binaries
Let me know if anyone wants them and I'll make a site for their download.