Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
New CorePlus user, sound issues
Juanito - thanks for the suggestions, I will try to conduct some troubleshooting per your suggestions. I know that Sony is notorious for ACPI isues, and I remember having some issues when I was running Lubuntu with wireless and sound, and I had to do some tweaking using those commands to figure it out (lspci/lsusb, and some others I've forgotten now probably - don't ask me exactly what I did, but I got it working in the end). Maybe this time I will keep a log of what I do for future reference.
I'm sure that I can get the wifi printing working, as I saw hplip in the extensions list and that is what I used to get it working under LXLE/Lubuntu, so I know my printer (C6100) is supported. Scanning may be another story though....
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