Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

New CorePlus user, sound issues

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Now playing a DVD Movie via Mplayer on another box - TC 6.2.
The mount point is  /mnt/sr0  not something like  /media/dvd  as you might expect coming from ubuntu.

Hi MX372

--- Quote ---still nothing even after opening alsamixer and adjusting master/master mono/PCM/CD to 100.
--- End quote ---
Back those down to 70 until you get some sound. The mixer has mute functions for the inputs and output, check those.

Misalf - data DVD-RW. The mount point appears to be the same as you indicated, /mnt/sr0, which as you stated is different than *buntu flavors

Rich - backed them to 70, the only thing muted was External. Unmuted, no difference. I know the speakers work because I get the Sony splash screen sound on boot.

So, I'm going to try v6.3 on live cd, see if I have sound. If so, I'll install 6.3 and go from there. Not that I want to call it quits, but I didn't even realize v6.3 was out, and I only went to 5.4 because I was having issues with extensions in 6.0. Maybe that is fixed in 6.3

Thanks for the help though!

UPDATE: I tried 6.3 from a live cd, but same issue. Since 5.4 is still on the CF card (HDD), it still has everything I've done so far available, so I checked all the same stuff and everything looks the same. Would installing it to the HDD change anything (other than I'd have to install all the extensions again)?

I'm really at a loss on why the sound is not working.

It would be good if you could run lspci/lsusb to confirm what sound hardware you have.

Maybe you could remove all alsa extensions from "onboot", reboot and then load one by one from the command line to troubleshoot.

At the moment, alsa is a dep of alsa-config and I wonder if in your case alsa-config needs to be loaded before alsa is loaded.

You could try copying alsa-config to /tmp and then "tce-load -i /tmp/alsa-config" (this will load it without loading alsa or pci-utils). Once that is done, load alsa and pci-utils normally.

Next run alsamixer, check there are no bars with an "m" for mute under them and that all the bars are set to +/-50%.

Finally, run speaker-test as per the instructions in the alsa-info file.

BTW - there is a lengthy thread on WiFi printing using cups/hplip (it works for me), but first you need to check that your printer is supported on the hplip web site.


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