Hi everyone,
quick status update: kept reading on the forum and on the wiki about dCore, found
http://git.tinycorelinux.net, most notably the dCore scripts, but also tinyx revived, the C tools source code, and the kernel module sorter script.
Most notably I've also found
http://shellcheck.net, found information about trapping signals such as err and ctrl-c signals, also found out about the rationale behind the symlinks of fsck "$(ls --color -ls /sbin/fsck.*)" and thus stumbled upon a non-negligible amount of shame about posting what I did earlier, main script and also code in earlier post

Thus I'm heading toward v0.2 from included road map, to at least obtain a better working version of this script, thinking about working with pretce=RAM, let say as first example: dosfstools.sce inside /tmp/tce, then packed as a cat-concatenated cpio "addon" (eager to speed test), also learning about 0install technology, as specified in the roadmap. Should provide at the end a grub4dos compatible minimum menu entry

I'm still concerned about long boot times (delays after setting home and opt on f2fs, long delay between /opt set line and swap partition status line, even with noswap, and longer delay before loading extensions.
Can i investigate on a live system, another virtual terminal, using the multivt boot code...?
Thanks again for your time, feel free to comment or propose a better course of action.