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Author Topic: Pale Moon browser...  (Read 17516 times)

Offline handy

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Pale Moon browser...
« on: November 03, 2015, 09:54:09 PM »
I've downloaded the Pale Moon browser from their site. It runs fine, I've added all of the extensions (both native Pale Moon & those from the mozilla add-ons page). I've had it import my bookmarks.html file (bought in on a memory stick) & everything is all good.

My problem is that I don't quite know where to proceed to from here on my persistent HDD drive install of TC ?

Should I compress it somehow & load it with the other apps so that I can call it from the menu?

Should I instead store it (as it is now) in /home/tz/palemoon & look to adding the palemoon executable to the desktop's menu?

Is there a smarter way that is more appropriate, doesn't slow down my shut down, & as a beginner here I don't know about yet?

Apart from all of that, I was surprised that when I searched the forum there was only one mention of Pale Moon that came up & it was only mentioned in a post in passing.

Pale Moon uses much less resources than Firefox, & is more secure as well. I wrote a couple of pages that are in the Manjaro wiki on Firefox & fairly recently updated them to include Pale Moon where appropriate.

They can be found here if anyone is interested:

Offline handy

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Re: Pale Moon browser...
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2015, 11:25:35 PM »
I should make it clear that my install was made by following the Frugal install Tiny Core Linux instructions, plus some others I found on the tiny core site, for installing GRUB legacy.

My apology's for the clumsy use of language on my behalf. It would seem that my inappropriate use of language has erroneously created the impression for some readers that I had installed TC in a scatterbrained fashion...  :o

Whilst that is only true in the sense that I still don't know much at all about how TC works.  ???

I'll try to be more careful with my use of language here in the future. ;)
« Last Edit: November 03, 2015, 11:27:26 PM by handy »

Offline Rich

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Re: Pale Moon browser...
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2015, 11:33:55 PM »
Hi handy
Turn it into an extension. Create a directory tree and populate it:
Code: [Select]
mkdir package/usr/local/binPlace any executables in there.
Code: [Select]
mkdir package/usr/local/libPlace any libraries in there.
And so on.
Code: [Select]
mksquashfs package/ ExtensionName.tcz -noappendTake a look under  /tmp/tcloop. There you can see how extensions are laid out, examples of a desktop file, etc.

Here's a nice diagram that shows how Tinycore works:

Offline Rich

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Re: Pale Moon browser...
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2015, 11:36:27 PM »
Hi handy
You'll need  squashfs-tools  installed to package the extension.

Offline nitram

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Re: Pale Moon browser...
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2015, 11:43:56 PM »
Sorry Rich beat me to the line, took the time to write so maybe this additional info will be helpful.

Palemoon is nice but it no longer works on old SSE processors. Storing Palemoon in /home/tc will severely affect startup and shutdown time. A hack i used to use was to place the program contents (downloaded palemoon directory contents) into another mounted data partition and sym link to it from /home/tc/.local/bin for example. So all that is stored in /home is the symlink.

Better yet would be to create a proper palemoon.tcz extension. If you install  squashfs-tools  you can use that too disect existing extensions. For example, copy firefox.tcz into /tmp, run  unsquash /tmp/firefox.tcz  and it will extract contents to a folder called /tmp/squashfs-root. Explore this directory to see how the extension is structured. You could modify the contents, replace the Firefox 'guts' with the appropriate Palemoon contents. To squash into a new extension from /tmp run  mksquashfs /tmp/squashfs-root palemoon.tcz. I would imagine Palemoon will require the same .dep file as firefox.tcz.dep, so just create a copy called palemoon.tcz.dep. Place everything into /optional, reboot and test.

Offline handy

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Re: Pale Moon browser...
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2015, 02:03:49 AM »
Thanks Rich & thanks once again nitram (you really have given me a LOT of assistance mate, I do appreciate it. :D )

OK, so now I know how to learn about that & have a go. Don't hold your breath, it'll be a tomorrow job. Talk then. :)