This one?, you should have gotten a link from pastebin to be able to post here what you pasted there.)
Lots of warnings.. Honestly, I don't know.
Maybe the kernel source isn't prepared properly.
In that case, this might help: just did the following successfully...
Edited create-nvidia-raw:
KERN=`uname -r`
tce-load -w compiletc findutils squashfs-tools procps
tce-load -i compiletc findutils squashfs-tools procps
touch NOW
sleep 5
sudo sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-$ \
--accept-license \
--no-network \
--no-runlevel-check \
rm -f nvidia-raw.tar.gz
rm -rf nvidia-raw
mkdir -p nvidia-raw/rawpackage
find /usr -newer NOW -not -type d > nvidia-raw.list
find /lib -newer NOW -not -type d | grep /lib/modules/$KERN/kernel/drivers/ >> nvidia-raw.list
tar -T nvidia-raw.list -czvf nvidia-raw.tar.gz
cd nvidia-raw/rawpackage
tar -xf ../../nvidia-raw.tar.gz
cd ..
rm -f /usr/lib/*tls*.*
#sudo nvidia-xconfig --mode=1280x1024 --force-generate --virtual=1280x1024
Removed any nvidia drivers from onboot.lst .
Core tryed to startx -> failed in waitforX (no wonder, there's no driver currently).
Did this in linux console (I have 2GB RAM):
tce-load -i linux-kernel-sources-env
It compiles right away without errors and X launches. Also sudo nvidia-settings works.
You might need to already have a valid xorg.conf though. If X doesn't start, do:
sudo nvidia-xconfig --mode=1280x1024 --force-generate --virtual=1280x1024
Or whatever screen res you need. Also, nvidia might need to be listed as Driver in the Device section of xorg.conf.