If someone thinks it's worth putting into the repository, they're welcome to do so with my blessing....
Hi Rich.
In the process of preparing to submit as windowshot.tcz.
- Still need to test if it will work in Xvesa with xwininfo (xorg-7.7-bin.tcz) dependency, otherwise info file will indicate Xorg only
- Stll need a desktop icon, if you have preference send a link otherwise i'll find something online
- The script was modified to reflect changes required in the link you posted above
- It was also changed to output 'windowshot' and the windowshot .png file name will be same name/date format as grabber
Take a look at modified script, OK with you? Will clean up before submit.
# Based heavily on Tinycores screenshot.sh, this script captures a
# single window rather than the entire screen. When run, the cursor
# changes to a crosshair. Click on a window to save a .png of it in
# your home directory. Richard Rost 3-19-2013
[ -z ${DISPLAY} ] && echo "Requires X" && exit 1
which xwininfo > /dev/null
[ "$?" -ne 0 ] && exec popup "Requires xwininfo, see Xorg-7.(5 or 6)-bin.tcz" && exit 1
WINDOW_ID=`xwininfo -frame | grep " Window id:" | cut -d " " -f 4`
#filename=screenshot_`date "+%m%d%H%M%S"`.png
filename=windowshot-`date "+%Y%b%d-%H%M%S"`.png
#sleep 1
#/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/imlib2_grab -id $WINDOW_ID $HOME/$filename"
/bin/sh -c "imlib2_grab -id $WINDOW_ID $HOME/$filename"
#exec popup "Screenshot saved to $HOME/$filename"
exec popup "Windowshot saved to $HOME/$filename"
Noticed your grabber is a binary - i don't know how to create that and was just going to place the .sh script into /usr/local/bin - OK?
grabber.tcz includes custom grabber-license text, do you want to provide something similar for windowshot.tcz or just GPL?
You will obviously be documented as author in the info file, i'm just the maintainer.
Plan to submit for TC6 x86. Anything else let me know - thanks.