Perhaps Paludis isn't simple to use, I wouldn't know, as I've yet to use it. But I've found ways to simplify parts of its code, as it keeps things nicely encapsulated. And that was just in a fifteen minutes of looking at it.
So there is a great potential for simplification, at least. Unlike Portage, which is messy procedural code.
And of course Pacman is simple to use, but Paludis builds Ebuilds and can install binary packages as well. So it's probably the best for Gentoo packages.
I did have an effort at the Arch Rollback Machine, mentioned in the other thread.
Sorry Jason, if it seemed like I was ignoring this response

I just wanted to come up with some good response, but all I could think of was "that's great!" or "interesting!".
It's simply the easiest way to get Arch packages for other distros.
So after really looking into it, I've decided I will try it with dCore.
Just a simple script that makes a package list from the repos on the FTP (, and fetches the deps ( grep "depend" ./.PKGINFO | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\://g' ), and gets them before proceeding.
Perhaps placing all dependency packages in one base.sce, with a list of packages it contains, just to keep it simple. Too bad there isn't a read-write file-system as easy to use as SquashFS.
But I should fix my install script, so it's easier to test it, and get the install script properly tested as well...
I think the Slackware 'SlackBuild' approach has merit -- particularly for maintaining tcz packages.
Certainly. Just simple shell scripts: the packages in the FTP doesn't contain any dependencies.
So yes, not instantly useful, but useful for building your own packages, pretty easily.
I will at least stick to build-file formats with dependencies integrated (still anything interesting is interesting ^^).
So you can just check out the dependencies with grep on the build-file, and check if any packages needs to be built or installed before proceeding.
also tc used to have some build scripts:
Not bad!
With dCore we could have all kinds of package managers and build formats without any cost, just the time-cost to individuals that choose to play around with non-Debian packages.
Perhaps those scripts uses some tools that dCore doesn't have, but it could all be provided in a compressed file.