dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

Other distro's packages -- let's get the conversation rolling!

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Jason W:
Actually, since we are talking about it here, I can post here.  Attached are the needed scripts, just place them in /usr/bin/

This is a test of concept, not everything or much will work without an Arch base.  But the importing routine can be tested for fun.

Yeah, this looks great!
And now I see you can just find deps from the .db files! :)

I can't see this for example: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/places-git/

Jason W:
Ok, I have not put any time into this since I made the prototype in February.  But I will take a look at it as time allows.


--- Quote from: LichenSymbiont on May 06, 2015, 07:18:39 PM ---Any other interesting distro's or package managers?

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It sounds intresting .., & aparently
--- Quote ---Nix can be used, with some caveats, as a package manager on top of an existing operating system, such as a GNU/Linux distribution. It may also be used to maintain any kind of file configurations, such as server setups, in addition to software packages in the strict sense.
--- End quote ---


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