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Other distro's packages -- let's get the conversation rolling!

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I was checking out distrowatch for the first time in months, and from the popularity page, I see that TC is on the rise.
And while checking for interesting distros, and thinking of why they are popular to begin with, I missclicked on a distro I've not even heard of: Kwort. With a package manager, named kpkg, with specially compiled packages.
Sounds like something using KDE, right? But it's just Openbox and GTK programs, and based on CRUX.

This is just to list some possible targets, and perhaps finding out how to go about it.

As I think having scripts or compiled package managers for using other distro's packages is an inevitable, as dCore has certainly made me think of this possibility.
Imagine if we could run Arch Linux, Gentoo, Slackware just by selecting it before installing.
I can't really find anything unique from distrowatch, as 99% or something are just flavors.

So by installing packages from any of the distro's by just switching package manager, or mirrors, it will be a great deal simpler than Puppy Linux in that aspect.
And hopefully flavors will arise from sharing installation scripts, config files and .sce packages.

Exherbo: exherbo.org
Using the Paludis package manager for Gentoo ebuilds, which is programmed in C++, and greatly simplified as compared to Gentoo's Portage. So the core is significantly lighter, by not having Portage and it's Python dependency.

Void Linux: voidlinux.eu
With both binary and for building from source like in Gentoo.
Here is a sample of the build-file for Firefox in Void Linux: https://github.com/voidlinux/void-packages/blob/b4f8bd1a4d0f4ded8dfee4b829a98fa49f15c7b3/srcpkgs/firefox/template

Any other interesting distro's or package managers?

Jason W:
I did have an effort at the Arch Rollback Machine, mentioned in the other thread.  Very simple and doable, much less startup script magic than Debian.  But Debian types are much more in keeping with dCore as a whole. 

I think the Slackware 'SlackBuild' approach has merit -- particularly for maintaining tcz packages.

Jason W:
I used Slackbuilds and more often Arch PKGBUILD scripts and patches to make my own tcz build scripts.

also tc used to have some build scripts: https://code.google.com/p/tc-ext-tools/


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