Thought so, seeing the screenshots and such.

Anyhow, OT here, but I don't want to open a new more or less obsolete thread for just one question:
Where do I find HOWTO for install without booting tinycore?
With a running Linux, it should be able to extract the needed files from the ISO and copy them, as needed for TCE/Install?
http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/install.html explains it well, but like I said, I want to run it from the internal hard disk anyway, and one of my machines currently has no optical drives and I don't want to copy it to an USB thumb-drive if I can avoid it, since it should be put on the internal harddisk anyway...
And yet another machine, but that's no x86-64, has no optical drive as well, and needs to have the 32 bit version on it's internal harddisk as well...