Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing
Core v6.2rc2
Just do your development in another directory on your hard drive, not /home/tc.
A thought -- but part of the testing requires setting up the environment -- which is started by the window manager.
Hummm ... I do have both 64 bit and 32 bit versions of the binaries, guess i could test for error and re-point to the proper
'bin' .. that might work. I think I'll give it a try.
Turns out I already had a general purpose 'make' facility for either 32 or 64 and with TC it doesn't take that long to re-compile.
So I simply, run the make at every new startup -- problem solved.
Thanks all for the new RC.
Just upgraded and have some feedback. Please note these items bugged me for a while and are not specifically related to v6.2rc2.
- Apps > Maintenance > Md5 Checking: Many users probably check their entire install, not just select extensions. Would be great if there was a select all checkbox and any problematic md5 checks were flagged in red or yellow text, rather than scrolling a long list of black and white OKs.
- Dependencies > Update .dep files: Painfully slow to update. Takes ~10 minutes to complete while Apps window blanks with hourglass cursor. Shouldn't this be completed within a few seconds or a minute? Conky shows <10% CPU usage (800MHz system), some network activity, good wired DSL connection, not performing any background tasks and system otherwise runs great. Optional folder has 409 files/120MB and OnDemand list 10 items. Apps window usually redraws itself when completed, otherwise Alt-Tab between applications redraws Apps window contents.
- Dependencies > Update .dep files: In addition to above, no dialogue output is provided upon completion, such as 'Dependencies check completed'.
- Dependencies > Build Reporting Database: Completes very quickly - did it do anything? Similar to above, no dialogue output is provided upon completion, such as 'Reporting Database Built'.
- Dependencies > Missing Dependencies Reporting: Also provides no dialogue output upon completion. Odd as Dependencies > Fetch Missing Dependencies ouputs 'Dependency check completed. No missing dependencies found'.
Thanks - take care.
--- Quote from: nitram on April 26, 2015, 09:51:40 PM ---Thanks all for the new RC.
Just upgraded and have some feedback. Please note these items bugged me for a while and are not specifically related to v6.2rc2.
- Apps > Maintenance > Md5 Checking: Many users probably check their entire install, not just select extensions. Would be great if there was a select all checkbox and any problematic md5 checks were flagged in red or yellow text, rather than scrolling a long list of black and white OKs.
--- End quote ---
For the longest time I too was doing this all wrong :( You are supposed to highlight any and/or all items to check
--- Quote ---- Dependencies > Missing Dependencies Reporting: Also provides no dialogue output upon completion. Odd as Dependencies > Fetch Missing Dependencies ouputs 'Dependency check completed. No missing dependencies found'.
--- End quote ---
AFAIK It has always been this way, "Missing Dependencies Reporting" only reports if there are missing dep's.
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