Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing

Core v6.2rc2

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Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce that Tiny Core 6.2 rc2 is available for public testing:


This is a release candidate. If you decide to help test, then please test carefully. We don't want anyone to lose data.

We appreciate testing and feedback.

Changelog for 6.2 rc2:
* tce-audit: similar speedup patch from aswjh
* tc-config: nfs4 mount changes from gerald_clark
* tce-load: 2% speedup from aswjh

Changelog for 6.2 rc1:
* tce-size: apply patch from Greg Erskine for no-deps files
* tce-remove, rc.shutdown: update copy2fs name
* tce-ab: convert to a symlink
* tce-load: awk recursion changes changed to a subshell, so exit status needs to be passed
* tce-setup: wait for slow CD drives

Hi Juanito!

Will try ASAP. On a train at the moment trying out the last debian Jessie KDE. Works fine by the way.

Keep up the good work,

Newbie question here:

   I first tried the 64 bit versions CorePure and TinyCorePure 6.2rc2 and discovered an odd behavior -- due to my ignorance.
   Both spit out a long list of basic command errors -- on 'cp' 'chown' ... etc. and then halted with not being able to find 'fluxbox'

   Turns out it was trying to load my hard drive installed version of the home directory (defaults to fluxbox).  i gather this is the
   normal default behavior.  Problem was my current hard drive install uses 32 bit..   Purpose of the test to me was to see about
   moving to 64 bi version.

   So how do I test a 64 bit release candidate??   My kludge was to come up in another OS and rename the tce/ directory -- worked
   but is there a better way???


Home shouldn't matter since you should not be installing any binaries there.
You need to have a separate tce directory though.

Not true.   The purpose of the system is to test and write new programs .. its a continuing ongoing activity.
There is no practical way to isolate the code that way -- not in early stages.  Once finalized its different.

This issue doesn't arrive except in this odd case of dual use of a 64 bit system running 32 bit as well.

I'll give it some thought.  I do a a kludge for the moment.


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