hello emninger
I did a little research and found that murrine is not related to spacef and no matter what I do there are no errors when loading spacefm from the terminal. There is a gtk 3.0 version but that is even more sensitive to gtk config settings. However murrine is a gtk 2.0 desktop theme so is more likely used for Openbox or some other application you might have installed. As in all gtk themes you first install the theme then start the application with that theme. I'd look at other gtk application config files for the answer to why murrine is being used.
As you see from my .gtkrc-2.0 i use FlatStudioDark as gtk 2 theme. And as for programs i'm aware of, i have claws-mail, libreoffice viewnior using gtk 2. Firefox is gtk2 or gtk 3 related? In any case, i don't see errors in them. And also spacefm seems to work flawlessly without murrine (but, installing it made disappear that error msg.)
Wherefrom the other
/home/tc/.gtkrc-2.0:17: error: unexpected character '/', expected string constant
is coming i don't know.
To try out various themes you may install some them engines and use this terminal command
Exec=env GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/local/share/themes/ClearLooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc spacefm
I'm still looking for the answer to the few missing file type icons, but is also likely to be a gtk 2.0 config issue. Will ask
Spacefm respects the settings in .gtkrc-2.0. But, as far as i understand, murrine is not really a theme but an engine, isn't it? Even with Clearlooks (using the command you gave me!) i still have the problem with the missing file types icon. As far as i understand in this moment, spacefm either displays a generic file icon for unspecified files or thumbnails for pic files
IF the thumbnail option in the settings is activated. Otherwise no icons for pic files as well. But any kind of specific file, also office or word docs as well as scripts and otherwise executables, do not have any icon.
[EDIT]: Fixed code tag. Rich