Greetings everyone. I have been busy reading the Core book trying to figure out how to accomplish something and I have hit a dead end.
I have a PiCore system that needed an extra large MMCBLK0P1 partition. (The FAT32 partition)
In order to do this I created a 3rd partition at the end of my SD card so I can copy all of the contents of the 1st partition to it before I resize it and copy it all back.
Sounds simple, right? Well, not so much...
I am only using the command line interface and I need to bring in the dosfstools.tce extension in order to format the 3rd partition to FAT32 before copying the contents of partition #1 into it. The problem here is that I don't want to install the dosfstools extension. I only want it to download and load up into the memory for this session so that I can do my work and reboot. When I reboot I don't want the extension to be anywhere in my system any longer. I am trying to keep the rest of the total system relatively lean and having unneeded extensions around would be a problem.
It appears that tce-load has only a very limited set of command line switches from which to choose and none of them appear to be a download and load like would be available in the GUI version.
-i loads a local extension (but I don't want to save anything so I wouldnt have any local extensions)
-w will download the extension but will not load it so I can use it this session
-wi will download and install the extension, but then I am stuck with the extension forever.
Since I only want to download the extension to the filesystem in memory and load it for immediate use, I would think there is another command I am missing.
Can anyone point me to a better reference than the Core book. Of does anyone know off the top of their head how to accomplish this download and load from the CLI?