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Author Topic: Wireless auditing minimalist  (Read 6562 times)

Offline wifixer

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Wireless auditing minimalist
« on: March 24, 2015, 07:48:12 AM »
Hello Tinycore community :)
I just registered because I also want to start my Tinycore adventure :)
Of course, as I guess all of you, I want to build my own tiny linux tailored with only what I need: wireless auditing.
I'm coming from a long experience in those monstrous distros, such as those you see at begin of Distrowatch, but I finally decided to abandon the tribe of the beginners-2-GB-lots-of-useless-stuffs distros, and pass into the experienced ones ;)
Well, I guess enough with first-time presentations, so I'll try to ask a few questions if I can.

First of all, my tiny linux must have Wireshark! but I see in your tcz repos, you have Wireshark only for ver. 4.x, no Wireshark in ver. 5.x or latest 6.1.

So my first question is: can I start building my tiny linux on ver. 6.1 and use that Wireshark you have in the repo ver. 4.x?
What version is that Wireshark in the repo ver. 4.x?

« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 07:53:11 AM by wifixer »

Offline Rich

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2015, 09:43:09 AM »
Hi wifixer
Welcome to the forum. Since Tinycore is a bit different in how it's installed I would like to suggest you read:
There is also a lot of information on the Wiki, see the link at the top of this page. The current version of Wireshark is 1.6.5.
So my first question is: can I start building my tiny linux on ver. 6.1 and use that Wireshark you have in the repo ver. 4.x?
The best way to find out is to install TC6 and then download  wireshark.tcz  and  wireshark.tcz.dep  into your  tce/optional
directory. Then use the  Apps  tool to resolve any missing dependencies and see what it complains about.

Offline jls

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2015, 12:50:58 PM »
Hi wifixer
you could also try dCore
dCore user

Offline wifixer

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2015, 05:43:23 PM »
Thank you @Rich :)

@jls_legalize, what is dCore? where can I dl it?
I just googled it but nothing came out... also it is not listed in distrowatch... sorry or my ignorance ;)

Offline gerald_clark

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2015, 05:46:38 PM »
It is in the download section, and there is plenty of information in the forum.

Offline wifixer

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2015, 09:06:11 AM »
oh, sure, sorry, I saw it, it is in the Other Ports section...
Yes, I tried to read some messages in the forum, but still dont understand it.
But both are more or less same dimensions, so what is the difference between TinyCore and dCore?
Why should be interesting for me wireless minimalist?
Thanks (I'm new ;)

Offline Juanito

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2015, 09:46:15 AM »
In the meantime, did you try wireshark from the tc-4.x repo with tc-6.1?

Offline wifixer

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2015, 11:51:39 AM »
in fact no, because I already got stuck before, with the options for choosing desktop manager.
I might get it all wrong, so maybe you can help me in that @Juanito ?

What I want to do is to change the desktop look&feel appearance of TinyCore.
I want to remove the look&feel of Mac-Apple-OS2, and add a Windows look&feel.
Something like, a very simple and static bar for all tasks at the bottom, on the left a kind of Start button with all programe, on the right the Clock,Volume,Net Status, and so on, no more "nomad" start-button-right-mouse all over the desktop.
Also on my laptop, every time I touch the mousepad, it results in a doubleclick, so every time I want to move the mouse pointer, it also doubleclick before on that position... you can imagine, it seems all is going nuts... ;)

So I read the faqs, and tried CorePlus, whose boot options actually already give the user the possibility to boot into a different "Desktop manager", so I tried them, e.g. OpenBox, but it always ends into the Mac-Apple look&feel plus mouse-nuts...
Is that any way to get that fixed easily?
Thanks :)

Offline gerald_clark

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2015, 12:00:30 PM »
Core is not a boot and run OS.  It is a toolbox for building small systems.
If you just want to boot and run, you will be happier with another distro.

Offline jls

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2015, 12:38:48 PM »
@wifixer dCore uses the debian/ubuntu repos while Core has it's own repo.
U can find some infos about dCore here: http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/x86/README/
dCore user

Offline wifixer

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2015, 01:35:20 PM »
well @gerald_clark , I had the feeling that was a friendly forum...

I know that TinyCore "is a toolbox for building small systems"
What I would like to build in fact, is a small system with a very simple look&feel, such I saw already in other distros (fixed task bar on bottom,start button,clock, net,such stuffs...), Wireshark, wifi modules + various firmwares (which I already found in your repos), a complete gcc+tools chain for compilation all the other tools I need (if not already in your repos).

Is that possibe in TinyCore or not?
If not, sure, as you said, I "will be happier with another distro"

@jls_legalize, thanks, all is clear now :)

Offline Juanito

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2015, 01:53:36 PM »
in fact no, because I already got stuck before, with the options for choosing desktop manager.
I might get it all wrong, so maybe you can help me in that @Juanito ?
You'd probably need to choose a desktop manager look and feel that suits your needs (which may or may not exist in the tinycore repo) and then customise/modify it to suit. Note that the desktop manager and the "mac like" tool bar at the bottom (wbar) are two different extensions, so you might already get what you need from jwm or fluxbox (which are in the tinycore repo) if you leave out wbar.

If the desktop manager you require is not present in tinycore, the required extensions to compile it can be loaded using the compiletc meta-extension.

Also on my laptop, every time I touch the mousepad, it results in a doubleclick, so every time I want to move the mouse pointer, it also doubleclick before on that position... you can imagine, it seems all is going nuts...
If you can use an alternate mouse or pointing stick, you can disable the touchpad. If you want to use the touchpad, you'd have to use the Xorg-7.7 extension instead of the default Xvesa and then edit the touchpad settings to remove the double-click

So I read the faqs, and tried CorePlus, whose boot options actually already give the user the possibility to boot into a different "Desktop manager", so I tried them, e.g. OpenBox, but it always ends into the Mac-Apple look&feel...
To be able to easily play around with various desktop managers, it would be better to install tinycore to a usb stick or hd and then, for example, you could get rid of the "mac like" wbar by not loading the extension.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 01:55:21 PM by Juanito »

Offline gerald_clark

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2015, 01:58:20 PM »
I don't know if "what you want" is possible or not.
Explore the available window managers, and see if you can make them do what you want.

The extensions are user contributed, and usually come with minimal documentation.  If the needed information is not in the user maintained wiki, it can
often be found on the internet.
You will probably not find step-by-step information on customizing window managers here.

Suggesting that Core may not be the OS you are looking for is not being unfriendly.  It is being realistic.  Core is not for everybody.

Offline wifixer

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2015, 04:08:11 PM »
@jls_legalize can I ask you some more hints about dCore?

I'm interested in setup dCore live on USB, so I did that:
I formatted a USB pendrive as FAT32, installed syslinux, from the link you wrote I dl the files, and set such structure:

into SYSLINUX.CFG, I wrote:
Code: [Select]
KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz-utopic
APPEND initrd=/boot/ub-dCore-utopic.gz lst=wireless.sce.list desktop=startlxde

Now, is it correct the value for "lst="?
What is the correct .sce file/files I have to dl and put into sce dir, in order to get  lxde+openbox+PCManFM?
Thanks :)

Offline wifixer

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Re: Wireless auditing minimalist
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2015, 08:48:59 PM »
ok, I finally managed to create the lxde package:
A:\tce\sce\lxde.sce - 71Mbytes
The directory structure now is correct, it took forever to understand the logic behind cde,tce,tcz and sce... plus sceboot.lst now contains lxde.sce.
Finally as written here:
I added the parameter desktop=startlxde:
Code: [Select]
KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz-utopic
APPEND initrd=/boot/ub-dCore-utopic.gz desktop=startlxde
It boots ok, then prompt, then I type startx, error not found.

How can I set to auto-start that Lxde desktop?
Thanks :)