The provides tab in Apps will show you where the missing lib is to be found, but since it is already a dep, I suspect you need to use Apps to update deps and then fetch missing deps.
Ok the provides tab shows me that is to be found in libxcb.tcz. That's already installed. So I update deps and fetch missing deps - with no tcz highlighted, with gparted.tcz highlighted, and with libxcb.tcz highlighted. In all cases, it says no missing dependencies found. Dependency checking seems to only go as deep as .tcz packages, and doesn't include source files like this missing libxcb-dri3.o.0 file - right?
FWIW, as a newbie I have no idea if I'm doing this right - should I highlight (click on) a specific tcz file before I click update deps? And click fetch? Do I need to Build Reporting Database before doing any of this?
The "quick & easy" web page says the first thing I'll see when I boot TC and get to the gui is a file manager, but in this current version of TC, there isn't one (is that only in Plus?) so I download and load Xfe, but it won't run either - because of the same missing file, libxcb-dri3.o.0 (do Linux writers get a secret pleasure stumping newbies by mixing the letter o and the numeral 0 in file names?)